Paraben Case Agent Companion 英文正式版(網頁工具軟體)
Paraben's Case Agent Companion 用來節省審查員和探員查案的時間。內置的瀏覽器支
援225種文件格式,搜索和報告功能使Case Agent Companion成為行業內最全面的工具。
Paraben's Case Agent Companion is designed to optimize both the time
of the forensic examiner and the agent working a case. Built in
viewers for over 225 file formats, searching, and reporting make
Case Agent Companion the most comprehensive forensic examination and
reporting tool of its kind. Because Case Agent Companion is
compatible with Paraben's P2 Examination Technology,your examination
will be faster, more efficient, and more effective.
Right Utilities Hitware Companion v3.1.1.0 英文正式版(彈出窗口阻攔/上網痕跡清除/窗口熱鍵軟體)
Forte Agent v4.2.32 英文正式版(BBS軟體)
Paraben Chat Examiner v1.0.2 英文正式版(網路聊天記錄分析工具軟體)
Paraben Net Analysis v1.36.0.117 英文正式版(網路搜索、過濾和證據鑒別功能軟體)